Group of alumni at Black Alumni Advisory Council tent

Black Alumni Advisory Council (BAAC)

What is BAAC?

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学黑人校友咨询委员会将把十大博彩推荐排名大学散居海外的非洲裔毕业生聚集在一起, 将他们与母校联系起来,让他们为今天的学生在学术和职业上的成功做好准备. 他们的首次聚会是在2021年返校节期间在校园里举行的, 为校友提供机会,让他们回到校园,与大学和彼此重新建立联系.


黑人校友咨询委员会的成立是为了吸引黑人校友来支持十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的教育使命, institutional and overall university community initiatives, 加强与黑人社区的关系并促进社会正义的政策和活动, equity and inclusion among alumni and students.

Goals and Objectives

  • To sponsor networking opportunities and events for Black alumni
  • To develop an annual BAAC event at Montclair State University
  • To participate in Montclair State University Homecoming activities
  • 制定年度筹款计划,以支持十大博彩推荐排名州立大学和十大博彩推荐排名州立大学基金会的优先事项
  • 支持EOF奖学金和其他十大博彩推荐排名州立大学基金会的努力
  • To sponsor and/or co-sponsor an annual Black History Month event
  • 让十大博彩推荐排名州立大学社区参与影响我们侨民的问题

Upcoming Event:

A Night to Remember: A Juneteenth Gala Celebration
June 27, 2024


Group at gala

We are pleased to honor:

  • Dr. Daniel Jean ’00 MA, Associate Provost for Educational Opportunity and Success Programs, 感谢他对十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的奉献,为我们现在和未来的学生提供领导和支持.
  • Coach Gerald Holmes, Head Men’s Basketball Coach, 表彰他对十大博彩推荐排名州立大学布卢姆菲尔德学院男子篮球项目的奉献,为在校学生提供支持和指导.

Join us for an evening of dinner and dancing. 晚会的所有门票收入将捐给紧急奖学金基金.

Thursday, June 27, 2024, from 6 p.m. – 10 p.m.
The Highlawn, 1 Crest Drive, West Orange, NJ

$150 ticket per person, with discounted ticket of
$100 for recent undergraduate alumni (Classes of 2014-2024)
includes dinner, open beer-wine bar

Register Today

View photos from last year’s event.

Interested in Joining the Black Alumni Advisory Council?

“Where we are today started at Montclair State University,” says Joanne Bowman ’82, director of human resources at Columbia University, 指的是她在大学时代和后来成为年轻校友时认识的黑人学生. “I found myself wanting to reconnect with this network, to do something together, something bigger and more meaningful.”

Brenda Coleman-Caldwell ’78, 新泽西收费公路管理局人力资源助理主管, felt the same way. “乔安妮和我通过黑人校友会与很多人保持联系, but that organization was dissolved,” she says. 从那以后的几年里,他们对校友组织的看法开始改变和发展.

他们决定是时候和79岁的朋友格雷格·柯林斯谈谈了, 他还恰好是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学基金会新任命的主席.
柯林斯笑着回忆道:“布伦达邀请我吃了一顿我认为很随意的午餐. 相反,她提出了他们对黑人校友咨询委员会(Black Alumni Advisory Council)的愿景. I loved what I was hearing!”

“Now is the right time, 考虑到我们社区和世界各地发生的一切,” Bowman explains. “Change is coming to the surface, 把多样性和社会公正放在我们学校的前沿和中心, churches and neighborhoods. There is a sense of urgency that we want to build on.”

如果您有兴趣加入网络或在计划委员会任职,请填写 this brief survey to tell us a little bit about yourself, your interests and your thoughts on developing future activities. Show your support!

Meet the Founding Council
Joanne Bowman ’82 – President
Brenda Coleman Caldwell ’78 – Vice President
Michael Burgess ’79
Antoinette Clay ’80
Greg Collins ’79
Diane Ryales Gipson ’80
Susan Blackwell Hargis ’76
Jeffrey L. Johnson ’83
Donna Teel ’80
Doreen Tucker ’83
Randal J. Yorker ’89

Again, if you are interested in joining, please complete this brief survey.

Support BAAC Initiatives

Support Future BAAC Initiatives with a gift to the Black Alumni Advisory Council Initiatives Fund. Gifts of all sizes make a direct and immediate impact. Your gift at the Supporter, “倡导者”和“赞助人”级别使BAAC有机会建立和加强校友网络,并支持学生的成功.

Make a Gift

Past Events

黑人校友咨询委员会(BAAC)六月烧烤- 2023年6月10日

黑人校友和朋友们聚集在一起,享受美食、游戏、音乐和舞蹈,以纪念六月节. 未来的红鹰(孩子们)喜欢面部彩绘、棉花糖和闪闪发光的纹身. A fabulous time was had by all.

Black alumni and friends gather at the Black Alumni Barbecue.

Visit the album for more photos of the Juneteenth Barbecue.

黑人校友咨询委员会(BAAC)假日社会- 2022年12月8日

To keep the momentum of the first-ever BAAC Gala going, 各个年龄段的黑人校友聚集在十大博彩推荐排名啤酒厂喝酒,并有机会建立人际关系, one last time before the new year.

Five alumni

View more photos of the Holiday Social.

A Night to Remember – October 28, 2022

10月,110多名校友和朋友齐聚一堂,参加了有史以来第一次黑人校友咨询委员会晚会,以纪念1968年至1970年毕业的前学生副院长和大学申诉专员詹姆斯·哈里斯, 表彰16年的BAAC新星麦地那·穆罕默德并庆祝81年的山姆·米尔斯的遗产. Proceeds from the evening supported the Emergency Book Fund, EOF Book Fund and the James Harris Book Fund

Group at gala
black alumni advisory council gala attendees

Check out more photos for the BAAC Gala Celebration

黑人历史月-十大博彩推荐排名州立大学泽西四人- 2022年2月16日

The Jersey Four

黑人校友咨询委员会在2022年为黑人历史月举办了一个特别项目. The Jersey Four held a discussion panel moderated by 杰森·威廉姆斯,十大博彩推荐排名州立大学司法研究教授 on February 16, 2022.

1998年,雷肖恩·布朗,贾梅因·格兰特,凯森·摩尔和丹尼·雷耶斯,被称为 The Jersey Four, 去北卡罗莱纳追求他们的梦想,上四年制大学,打职业篮球. 但当他们在新泽西收费公路上停车时被警察开枪打死时,他们的梦想破灭了. 23年后,随着要求社会公正的呼声越来越高,种族定性仍在继续.

Over those 23 years, 泽西四人一直积极致力于社会正义和社区慈善事业. They are examples of strength, growth, perseverance and survival. 他们曾与三州地区的主要非营利组织合作, and today are officially incorporated with their own J4 Pass 2 Assist Foundation. 他们仍然致力于回馈社区,为所有人争取社会正义.

View the The Jersey Four panel discussion.


如果你想了解更多关于黑人校友咨询委员会的信息, contact Jeanne Marano in the Office of Alumni Engagement at or 973-655-5333.

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