


“课程学分”是基本的计量单位, which counts toward the awarding of an undergraduate or graduate degree or a certificate. It equated with time spent learning in class with direct interaction with faculty and expected time students spend studying and working on assignments independently out-of-class. 课堂上的时间通常被称为 接触时间 课外时间经常被称为 准备时间. Degree programs generally consist of credits that are applied to fulfilling major, 通识教育, 选修要求.


Academic units within the 艺术学院 adhere to the following formulas for determining course credit hours. The allotted time anticipated for each course varies by type. (Students should refer to the syllabus for each course to anticipate time and other requirements.)




One lecture credit hour equals a minimum of 150 minutes (50 minutes of class time, plus an expectation of 100 minutes of work outside of class), 每个星期, 15周.


One 100 and 200 level 工作室 credit hour equals a minimum of 150 minutes (93 minutes of class time, 加上57分钟的独立工作时间), 每周15周. (目前例外:ARGS260视觉艺术工作坊, where one credit hour equals a minimum of 66 minutes of class time, 再加上84分钟的独立作业, 每周15周.)


One 300 level or above 工作室 credit hour equals a minimum of 150 minutes (66 minutes of class time, 加上预计84分钟的独立作业), 每周15周. (Current Exception: ARST400/410 Major Studio Project I and II, where one credit equals a minimum of 25 minutes of class time per week, plus an expectation of 125 minutes of independent work per week, 15周.)


One credit hour of an online lecture course equals a minimum of 750 minutes of online- class time per semester and an expectation of 1500 of independent work per semester.


Experiential courses such as internships and cooperative education have ranges of credit hour earned and also time expectations, and these depend upon varied work site needs and independent academic work expectations. Credits may range from 3 to 12, however, most are 3, 4 or 8 credits. Internship and cooperative experiential courses are 15 weeks long and include part time and full time options. The time spent per credit hour may be exclusively time on site or a combination of time spent on site and time spent on independent academic work related to the on-site experience. 在现场的时间范围从3.3 to 5 hours per credit hour per week and time spent on academic independent work may range from 0 to 1.66 hours per credit hour per week, or 5 total hours of time expected per credit hour per week.



One Lecture credit hour equals 50 minutes in-class and 100 minutes out-of-class per week 15周.


One Studio credit hour equals a minimum of 100 minutes in-class and a minimum of 150 minutes out-of-class.


实习0.5 credit hour equals 100-330 minutes of in-class faculty instruction, 编排, 示范, and interaction 15周 with a minimum expectation of 60 hours work out-of-class over approximately 2.一个舞蹈作品需要5周.


Co-op credit equals 80 hours distributed over 15 weeks on a professional assignment.



One Lecture credit hour equals 50 minutes in-class and a minimum of 150 minutes out-of-class 每周15周, 在预定的期末考试中达到高潮.


一个音乐技能学分相当于50分钟的课堂时间, 工作室, or laboratory work and a minimum of half an hour of focused daily practice out-of-class 15周, 以受伤的表演或期末考试而告终.


应用音乐(私人研习), 指定为“工作室”,是两人份, 三个, 或者四个学时. The 工作室 lesson equals 50 minutes of one-on-one direct instruction and requires a minimum of 50-150 minutes of focused daily independent practice 15周, 以受伤的表演结束. The amount of minimum practice time required is governed by the number of credits, which is related to the specific curriculum in which the student is a matriculant.


一个音乐文学学分相当于50分钟的课堂时间, 包括要求的一流性能, and a weekly minimum of 25 minutes of focused practice plus homework out-of-class 每周15周 with a final examination.


本科合奏团授予0.5 credit hour equaling a minimum of 50 minutes in-class work and a weekly minimum of 90 minutes of independent practice 每周15周, 不包括额外的排练和表演时间.


实习获得0-1学分. Performance and music composition practica require a minimum of 60 minutes of out-of-class practice 每周15周, 在期末考试中达到高潮. 音乐 Therapy practica require a minimum of 250 weekly minutes of out-of-class clinical work.


独奏会的排练和表演得分为0-1分, but mark milestones and capstones in the professional music degree.


音乐 Therapy Internship credit hour equals 1040 hours for six months (clinical experience required for professional certification).



One Lecture credit hour equals 50 minutes in-class and a minimum of 100 minutes out-of-class per week 15周.


One Studio credit hour equals a minimum of 50 minutes of in-class faculty interaction and instruction and a minimum of 100 minutes of student work out-of-class per week 15周.


One Practicum credit hour equals 180 minutes of in-class faculty instruction, 示范, and interaction with variable out-of-class work per week 15周 plus approximately 64 hours for a 2.五周戏剧制作.


One Internship credit equals 80 hours distributed over 15 weeks on a professional assignment.