Student in outside of Dickson hall lying on bench

Student Concerns/Grievances

Please note this page is only for courses within the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. If you are looking for a grade grievance for a different course subject, please reach out to the corresponding academic advising office.

What is a grade grievance?

A grade grievance is a complaint that alleges unfair course grading. Students have the right to pursue the Montclair State grade grievance procedure to ensure due process.

Goals and Objectives of the Grade Grievance Procedure:

  1. To ensure a formal procedure to guarantee due process for every student who feels aggrieved.
  2. To ensure equitable treatment for all parties concerned and protect the rights of individuals.
  3. To ensure academic freedom as well as academic quality.
  4. To ensure remedy within a reasonable period of time.

Grade Grievance Procedure

Student Grade Grievance Policy

To begin the mediation process, students should follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Student should attempt to resolve the issue with the individual faculty member. Student should send an e-mail to the faculty explaining his/her concern and requesting a time to discuss the concern. In some cases, you may choose to visit the faculty member during posted office hours. If the student is unable to reach the faculty member within a two-week period, the student should visit the department to facilitate communication.
  • Step 2: If the concern or grade grievance cannot be resolved with the faculty, the student can raise the issue to the department chair or program director.
  • Step 3: If the problem remains unresolved after meeting with the department chair or program director, the student can submit an appeal to the CHSS Dean’s Office via the grade grievance complaint form. To obtain a link to the grade grievance form, please email

Have additional questions? Contact

Non-Grade Grievance Procedure

Student Grievance Policy (PDF)