


Applicants to the SLP master’s program come from a variety of 教育al backgrounds.  Some applicants have completed an undergraduate major or minor in communication sciences and disorders and have completed 18 or more credits of undergraduate coursework in speech, 语言与听力.  其他人则有不同的本科专业, 比如心理学, 语言学, 教育, 生物学和西班牙语, 仅举几个例子, 并且没有完成专业预科课程.  后面这些学生, 一旦承认, will take those pre-professional courses as part of their program of study.

Students who are accepted will be assigned to one of two cohorts:

1.  有背景的学生 (have prerequisites) who will have completed or are enrolled in undergraduate preparation by the application deadline (2月1日) that includes the following three prerequisite courses: Introduction to Language Development, 语音学, 语言和听觉的解剖学和生理学.

2.  没有背景的学生 (do not have prerequisites) who have not completed or are 没有登记 in all three of the prerequisite courses by the application deadline (2月1日). 一旦你申请, 你将被视为没有背景的学生, 所以不要参加额外的课程.

在审核申请时, the Speech-Language Pathology admissions committee will evaluate the submitted transcript(s) to determine if an applicant has successfully completed or will need to complete the pre-professional prerequisite courses.  成功完成学业意味着申请人获得了a “B” 或者在课程中做得更好.  如果被录取, applicants can be placed in a work program similar to the attached sample program.

Cohort placement determines your work program – what courses you are required to take and what courses you will take each semester.  The curriculum for students without a background is typically two semesters longer than for a student who has a background in communication disorders. Applicants who apply as a student without a background cannot be changed into the cohort of students with a background.  Students who apply as a student with a background may be changed into the cohort of students without a background if they received a “B-“ 或者三门专业预科课程的成绩更少.

Minimum requirements for applications to be reviewed for admission to the master’s program:

  • 本科GPA大于或等于3分.3或平均绩点不低于3.从先前的硕士学位.
  • 建议所有申请者都参加GRE考试. GRE考试成绩:
  • 两封推荐信. Each recommender should attest to the applicant’s potential to succeed in a rigorous graduate program. Letters should come from faculty at institutions of higher 教育.
  • 提交一篇原创文章.  Essays should address why you are interested in applying to a program in speech-language pathology.
  • 本科和研究生的成绩单.  International applicants with overseas 教育, must have a course by course evaluation with U.S. 来自NACES成员的等效性.org或受过教育的选择.
  • Review and determine if you meet the requirements specified in the Eligibility Requirements and Essential Functions Document.
  • 检讨 背景调查 for students enrolled in the clinical 教育 programs at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学
  • Submit the application fee ($60) for 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.  CSDCAS有自己的申请费.
  • International applicants must meet the level of English proficiency recommended by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association for Speech-Language Pathologists:

◊  A passing score of 83 of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). (Note that in order to meet ASHA standards for English proficiency, 你还需要在口语部分得到26分。.

- AND 6分.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). (Note that in order to meet ASHA standards for English proficiency, 你还需要在口语部分得到7分。.

*请注意所有申请者, 包括先前拥有硕士学位的个人, 强烈建议提交GRE成绩.  Applicants with a prior master’s degree who took the GRE exam more than five years ago should contact the 研究生院.  All other applicants must have taken the GRE examination in the last five years and must arrange for an official GRE score report from ETS.

注意:  The Speech-Language Pathology program will not defer a student’s acceptance to the following year.  You would have to reapply to the program if you are unable to start the program in the Fall that you applied.


An undergraduate degree in speech-language pathology and audiology (SLPA) or a degree in communications sciences and disorders (CSD) is not required for admission to the SLP program. This is required in order to meet licensing requirements in some states and to be recognized as eligible for the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology (CCC-SLP).

Prerequisite courses in 传播科学与疾病 include:

  • 语言发展导论*
  • 语音的语音研究*
  • 语言和听觉系统的解剖学和生理学*
  • 交流的神经生理基础
  • 听力学临床程序.

*These three classes must be taken in order to qualify for a student WITH a background in speech.

And one foundational course from each of the following categories.  If it is determined that you are missing any of these classes, you would be asked to complete the missing classes before graduating from the program in order to obtain your CCC’s:

  • 生物科学
  • 物理科学
  • Behavioral science (two courses are required to be eligible for a license to practice Speech-Language Pathology in New Jersey)
  • 统计数据


For complete information regarding the 研究生院 admissions requirements and the application process, 请与研究生院联系 973-655-5147 或者回顾一下 研究生院网站.

申请必须通过 CSDCAS门户. 申请截止日期为 2月1日. 新生只接受在学校开始学习 仅秋季学期 而且必须是 全日制学生.

The 研究生院 recommends that you submit your application materials as far in advance as possible to the semester you plan to begin your studies to ensure a timely review of your application.