Syllabus, Course, and Assignment Review

Whether you are looking to overhaul or simply tweak your course materials, OFE offers a “no-judgment, just help” 教学大纲, 赋值, and course review and redesign service for all faculty–from adjuncts to specialists to tenure-stream and full professors–teaching in any discipline.


Writing a concise yet comprehensive 教学大纲 for your course is one of the first steps you can take to optimize the learning experience for your students. A complete 教学大纲 will alleviate confusion and preempt multiple questions. 在最好的情况下, your 教学大纲 serves as a “one-stop” guide to help your students navigate the semester, providing a snapshot of all the course components from communication practices to schedules to grading and any other policies you want your students to follow. Our faculty developer will give you feedback on your 教学大纲 so that it serves the needs of your course and complies with the 十大博彩推荐排名教学大纲 template. 

清晰,组织 课程 support student success. As you design or tweak your course, you may have questions about particular elements that you’d like feedback on. 例如, you may wish to ensure that your 作业 are aligned with the course’s student learning objectives, to implement active learning strategies, or to reconfigure the grading structure and 赋值 weighting, or you may wonder whether the workload seems appropriate for the level of your course, 在其他问题中. 

Similarly, writing clear 作业 allows students to understand the task more fully, increasing their chances for success. Interviews with students reveal that their interpretations of faculty 作业 vary widely, in part due to their varying experiences with 作业. 除了, how 作业 are written and explained impacts how successful students are at completing intended tasks. Assignment review is based on design principles and practices discussed in Designing effective 作业.

Our faculty developers will work with you to revise or tweak your 赋值, course element, and /或教学大纲. We offer pedagogical support based on the Montclair Teaching Principles and our own experience as college instructors.


选项1: Submit your request to, indicating in the subject line you are requesting a 教学大纲, 赋值, or course review. Provide any relevant drafts or existing versions of the materials you’d like reviewed. Please also indicate what you are especially interested in receiving feedback on, 你们有问题吗?, or things you are trying to improve, 添加, 或替换. We will return your materials with feedback within 2-3 business days.

选项2: If your concern is more urgent, you are in the early, brainstorming process, or simply would prefer to talk things through, please drop in for a 30-minute appointment. Schedule an appointment here. 

简单的教学大纲 conversion: For conversion of your 教学大纲 into the 简单的教学大纲 tool, please schedule a 跟会议.


更新11.16.23 CK