Educational Leadership, Higher Education Program at Montclair State

Educational Leadership, Higher Education Concentration (MA)

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Educational Leadership, Higher Education Concentration (MA)

Admission to this program has been suspended indefinitely. Please visit our Higher Education (MA) page for our new program. 

高等教育教育领导硕士课程为研究生提供在高等教育机构担任领导职位所需的知识和技能, such as:

  • Student affairs
  • Academic affairs
  • College and university administration.

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学目前是新泽西州北部唯一一所提供该课程的公立大学, 使其成为当前和有抱负的高等教育专业人士在该地区最实惠的选择.

这个项目的独特之处在于,它强调大学所有职能领域的领导和管理, 而不是一味强调学生发展和学生事务. Courses in the program aim to integrate theory, research, 政策与实践为学生提供全面的毕业体验. Our program does not limit a student to a particular field, 但允许他们使用他们的选修课来调查高等教育领导力的各个领域, and then complete a field experience in a specific functional area. 学生完成八门课程的核心要求,涵盖组织, management, leadership, finance, communication, research and evaluation, 然后从各种满足他们个人兴趣的选修课中进行选择.

有几个助教奖学金可用于全日制学习(个人必须至少有3个).0 baccalaureate GPA to be considered for an assistantship). Several assistantships are available for full-time study. Courses are offered in convenient formats for busy students, including evening, weekend and hybrid options.

Along with the Educational Leadership, Higher Education Concentration (MA), the department also offers the following options for graduate study: Master’s degree in Counseling – Student Affairs/Higher Education CounselingEducational Leadership (MA), Educational Leadership (MA – Online), and an Educational Assessment certificate.


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“由于我作为第一代被种族边缘化的大学生的经历,我想进入高等教育学生事务管理领域. As such, I had a desire and passion to work on a college campus as a leader. 教育领导高等教育项目提供了最优秀的教师,他们既是学者,又是实践者,在高等教育管理领域知识渊博. 这个项目使我能够与全国各地的高等教育专业人士建立师徒关系. The programs emphasis on current events in Higher Ed, diversity and social justice, leadership, 和组织领导能力为我在佩斯大学的角色做好了准备,我现在在佩斯大学担任三重奏向上发展项目的助理主任.”
Paolah Chaparro – Assistant Director, TRIO Upward Bound, Pace University
“我申请了十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的教育领导力——高等教育项目,因为它注重高等教育领域的多功能性. 我怀着对学生事务和学生活动永不动摇的热情进入了这个项目, but as I progressed through the program, 我很快意识到,我的热情还包括学生参与和发展. 我在这个项目中获得了很多很棒的机会和经历, 我最珍惜的是与现实生活中的高等教育专业人士分享的,他们作为我们项目的教授分享了他们的建议和丰富的知识.”
Robert Serrani, MA ’18, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学学院学术项目协调员

Please refer to our programs of study 该页面提供了大学内所有研究生课程的综合列表.

Admission Requirements

The Graduate School requires the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree in order to be eligible to apply for a graduate program. Applicants with non-U.S. degrees, please visit the International Applicants page to review the U.S. degree equivalency information.

Application Checklist

created an application checklist. This checklist can be a reference point for you during the
program of interest.

  • 申请截止日期:2月15日截止日期前完成的申请将充分考虑研究生奖学金机会以及参加面试日的机会. Applications completed after 2月15日截止日期不能保证考虑研究生奖学金和/或参加面试日.
  • 提交在线申请:请创建您的在线帐户并按照以下方式提交您的申请 general application instructions and pay (or waive) the non-refundable $60 application fee. Once this step has been completed, the online portal will allow you to upload your supplemental materials.

以下是您申请教育领导职位所需的补充材料, Higher Education Concentration (MA) program:

  • Transcript: One from each college attended.
  • Essays/Personal Statement: Write an essay in response to the prompts below. 你的文章应该反映出你对高等教育作为一种职业的不断发展的知识和兴趣,以及你在其中的潜在地位.
    • Why are you interested in pursuing a masters degree in Higher Education?

    • 有这么多的选择可供选择,是什么特别吸引你来十大博彩推荐排名项目? Please be specific. (ex. Faculty, courses offered, location)

    • What are your areas of interest within Higher Education, 你如何看待我们的课程能帮助你在这些领域进一步发展你的能力?

    • 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学教育与人类服务学院重视多样性, equity, inclusion, and social justice.

      • Why do diversity and social justice matter in the field of higher education?

    • 在你看来,影响当今大学的2-3个问题是什么?
    • 请强调你的优点,这将使你成为我们项目的优秀学生, as well as explain any areas of relative weakness in your application.

如果您对申请流程和要求有任何一般性问题, please email or call us:
The Graduate School
Telephone: 973-655-5147
Fax: 973-655-7869