



The PhD in Teacher Education and Teacher Development is the first of its kind in the region – one of only a few in the country – and is based on the most current research in teacher preparation and learning. It builds on 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s nationally recognized programs in teacher preparation and provides a unique opportunity for those who wish to become future leaders in the preparation and development of teachers.

该项目毕业生将在大专院校就业, 学校和学区, 国家机构, 专业发展机构, 以及基金会的学术教职人员, 研究人员, 学校和地区领导和主管, 员工开发人员, 教育政策制定者, 和顾问.

请参阅我们的 学习计划 page for a comprehensive list of all of the graduate programs offered within the university.



  • 有教学经验或其他学校服务经验.
  • 相关专业的硕士学位.
  • 在以前的学术工作中有良好的记录.
  • Commitment to learning and inquiry (as demonstrated in application essays and other application materials).
  • Experience with and commitment to issues of diversity and equity (as demonstrated in application essays and other application materials).

In order to make applying for graduate school as seamless as possible for you, we have
创建一个应用程序检查表. 这份清单可以作为你在面试过程中的参考点

  • 申请截止日期:2月1日-仅适用于秋季入学. Please note: Upon offer of admission, you will be asked to submit an enrollment deposit of $200.
  • Submit Online Application: Please create your online account and submit your application by following the 一般应用说明 并支付(或免除)不可退还的60美元申请费. 一旦这一步已经完成, 在线门户网站将允许你上传你的补充材料.

The following is a list of the supplemental materials that will accompany your application for the 教师教育与教师发展(博士) program:

  • 文字记录:每个大学都有一名学生.
  • 文章#1:对教学核心假设的反思.
    • Please review the core assumptions that inform the doctoral program in Teacher Education and Teacher Development (TETD), 它们列在下面. 集体, these assumptions define the program’s vision regarding the goals of public education in a democracy, 民主社会中学校的功能, 教师和教师教育者的角色, 以及教的概念和学会教的概念. 从列表中, select one assumption that has special meaning to you and respond to the following questions: 为什么这个假设对你有意义? 作为一名教育工作者,它是如何反映在你自己的实践中的? (举例). (最多900字或三页,双倍行距,打字.)TETD博士课程的核心假设:
      1. 在民主社会里, the central goal of public education is to prepare all students with equal care to take on the full responsibilities of citizenship in a competent manner and to maximize their educational opportunities and life chances.
      2. 虽然学校的功能往往是维护社会强者的优势, 它们有可能成为社会转型的场所. Altering the inequities that are deeply ingrained in the fabric of schools demands a cadre of teachers who are adept at identifying inequalities in their own schools and classrooms, skilled in reconstructing the school and classroom culture to make it inclusive of all children, 并致力于成为变革的推动者. This requires ongoing reflection and critical examination of common educational practices.
      3. 教师是有道德的演员. 他们在课堂上做出的每一个决定都会对学生产生影响. They have the obligation to provide all students, not just some, with equal access to knowledge.
      4. 教师教育者, 就像老师, are also moral actors who must play a central role in transforming the educational system to make it equitable and just. They are responsible for preparing future and practicing teachers with the dispositions, knowledge and skills needed to interrupt inequitable policies and practices in schools and classrooms in order to help all students – not just some – achieve high levels of learning and maximize their life chances.
      5. 学习并不仅仅意味着获取新信息. 相反,它是一个积极的过程,学习者通过这个过程向新思想注入意义. 在这个解释的过程中, learners draw on their prior knowledge and beliefs as they strive to make sense of new input.
      6. 因为学生的优势和需求差异很大,而且是不断变化的, teaching does not lend itself to the application of a prescription for effective instruction. The use of a de-contextualized teaching formula assumes that children are so much alike that they will respond similarly and predictably to a common treatment. 对不同的学生群体做出反应, teachers must make myriad decisions daily as they strive to tailor instruction to the students in their classes. This tailoring requires high levels of professional judgment and the ability to defend decisions on both pedagogical and ethical grounds.
  • 论文2:目的陈述.
    • 是什么吸引你来参加TETD课程? How would getting a PhD in Teacher Education and Teacher Development advance your professional goals? (最多600字或两页,双倍行距,打字.)
  • 论文#3:研究/调查陈述.
    • 基于最新的研究, TETD课程旨在为项目参与者提供相关知识, 培养下一代成功教师所需的技能和方向, 为新教师设计和实施最先进的入职培训课程, and offer substantive professional development opportunities for all practicing teachers. 教育公平和卓越的问题是贯穿整个课程的主题. 根据课程概述, 哪两个问题可能会成为你在TETD项目中的课程作业的一部分? 为什么你认为这些问题很重要? (最多600字或2页,双倍行距,打字.)
  • 推荐信:三封.
  • 简历:需要.
  • 标准化考试成绩:GRE不需要这个项目.

Candidates for the PhD in Teacher Education and Teacher Development will complete a minimum of 60 semester hours beyond a relevant master’s degree from an accredited institution. 这60个学时的分配如下:

  • Proseminars designed to introduce students to the central questions in teacher education and teacher development and matters of student diversity, 发展基本知识和技能, 创建一个专业的学习社区(6个学时).
  • Core courses intended to cultivate specialized knowledge and skills regarding the design and implementation of programs of pre-service teacher preparation, 新教师入职, 在职教师的持续专业发展(21学时).
  • Electives intended to give students options in deepening their understanding of specific areas in teacher education (nine semester hours).
  • 研究 courses that give participants the tools needed by critical consumers and producers of research (12 semester hours).
  • Dissertation research in which students demonstrate their ability to apply specialized knowledge in the field and research knowledge and skills to empirically investigate an important problem in teacher education (12 semester hours).
  • 下面列出了该计划的课程(每学期三个学时).

欲了解更多信息,请访问 课程目录中的课程列表.


如果您对申请流程和要求有任何一般性问题, 请发邮件或致电我们:
电子邮件: graduate@thejurassicmusic.com
电话: 973-655-5147

如果您对您感兴趣的课程有具体的询问, 请联系教师教育和教师发展(博士)项目主任:

*在夏季, 将会有一个轮流的系主任来回答你的问题. 为这个项目找到更新的夏季椅子.*

项目负责人: Dr. 杰里米的价格
办公室: 大学大厅
电子邮件: pricej@thejurassicmusic.com
电话: 973‑655‑5170