Young woman school teacher working on laptop


简单的教学大纲 is a centralized, template-driven platform that enables instructors to quickly personalize and publish interactive class syllabi. 简单的教学大纲 is now available in Canvas as “十大博彩推荐排名大纲” and will become a default menu item for the 2024年秋季 学期. If Montclair Syllabus is not in your course menu, please consult the Configure 简单的教学大纲 in Canvas 更多信息指南.

Faculty members began piloting the use of 简单的教学大纲 in the spring of 2023.  A wider implementation will continue for the 2024-25 academic year. If you are a faculty chair or course coordinator and are interested in modifying syllabus templates for wider distribution, 请致电ITDS 或者报名参加一个 一对一的会议 开始吧.

Benefits to Using 简单的教学大纲
  • Provides templates that are visually appealing and easy to update.
  • Automatically pulls in key details about a class into the Syllabus.
  • Provides updated 大学 policies and resources for students ensuring accuracy and saving faculty time.
  • Allows departments/programs to customize syllabi with specific information.
  • Offers an interactive syllabus menu for students to navigate specific sections.
  • Provides printable syllabi and print-to-PDF options.
  • Enables instructors to see student engagement with course syllabi.


  • Replaces the native Canvas Syllabus tool with additional features.
  • Integrates with Canvas assignments, 小测验, and discussions; automatically creates a Course Summary table.
  • 可在画布中编辑.
  • Printable or print-to-PDF syllabi are now readily available.


  • Updates made to a 简单的教学大纲 global template are immediately available in Canvas for all courses associated with that template. If 大学 related policies need to be updated in 简单的教学大纲, these changes can be rolled out to every syllabus instantly.
  • 大学/学院, 部门, 主题, and Course specific templates are also available, which can provide more granular information to all individual syllabi within the identified unit.
  • Each syllabus auto-fills certain content about your course, 比如你的会议时间, 房间的位置, 名字, 等. More autofill functionality is being added in the future.


  • Track student syllabus engagement.
  • Capacity to share abbreviated syllabi with prospective and enrolled students to preview.
  • Syllabi can be shared for accreditation or other purposes.
An example syllabus in 简单的教学大纲
 An example syllabus page created with 简单的教学大纲
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is 简单的教学大纲 available in my Canvas courses?
Yes, 简单的教学大纲 is available in ALL Canvas courses as “十大博彩推荐排名大纲”. To enable “十大博彩推荐排名大纲” in your course, click on Settings > Navigation and enable “十大博彩推荐排名大纲”.
How can I copy my “十大博彩推荐排名大纲” from one course/学期 to another?
The traditional Canvas course copy does not apply for the “十大博彩推荐排名大纲”. 在你的课程中, click on “十大博彩推荐排名大纲” and click “Import” to select your Syllabus from another course/学期.
 What’s the best browser to use?
It is recommended to use Chrome or Firefox and to avoid using Safari and Edge.
 Why can’t some of my students read the course syllabus on their phones?
Advise students to use the Canvas app on their phone, not a browser.
How do I link to elements of my Canvas course (like assignments, modules, 等)?
在组件内, you can insert a link to a course element using the insert link option in the rich content editor.
How can I verify students’ engagement with the syllabus, such as which students have accessed it and when?
简单的教学大纲 allows instructors to track student engagement with syllabi using the student engagement feature. At the top of your published syllabus, click on the blue horizontal bar for a detailed breakdown of syllabus engagement by student.
Why are some of my students only seeing a partial view of the syllabus?
Advise students to use the Canvas app on their phone, not a browser.
How do I download a PDF copy of my syllabus?
 Click on Print at the top of your published syllabus to download a PDF version.