

除了课程要求之外, there are two options to completing the MS degree in the Department of Mathematical Sciences: a written comprehensive exam or a master’s thesis. Each option has its own merits in completing this course of study, and a student is encouraged to think seriously about this choice.


Students should make a decision between the thesis and comprehensive options four or more semesters before their planned degree completion date. 这两种选择都要求很高,但方式不同. The decision should depend on the student’s strengths, interests, and particular situation. Switching from one option to another is not encouraged due to the time involved in preparing for each option.


The MS Comprehensive Exam is given twice a year, usually in November and April. 在学生上交申请表之后, the graduate coordinator will send the student study guides for each section the student has selected. The study guide contains an outline of topics, suggested references and sample questions.


  • A complete review of the study guide is a good starting point for preparation. In addition, the student should study from the text and the notes from his or her classes.
  • 学习小组对复习一个科目很有帮助. 一起学习的学生往往会互相激励. Trying to explain a concept to someone else is a good way to reinforce it in your mind.
  • One particular problem is when the student has taken the course several years before taking the comprehensive exam. The text and part of the content may have changed over the years. 在这种情况下, the student should find out the most recent text and most recent instructor of the course. 和这位老师见面可能会有好处.
  • If the student has any questions he or she should not hesitate to contact the graduate coordinator. 通常一个简短的访问可以避免任何误解.

If a student does not achieve a satisfactory grade on the comprehensive exam, 它可能会被夺回, 但要注意,这是有限度的. 考试不及格三次,学位即予终止.

The registration form for the comprehensive exam is available from Dr. Parzynski在RI-204.


A graduate thesis is a permanent record of a significant contribution made by a student to a particular field of knowledge. Expectations are that the thesis should be new and original. It should be something that is publishable, leading to at least one peer-reviewed article. This represents a considerable undertaking on the part of the thesis advisor and the student and should be carefully considered in the decision to obtain the final degree. 预计一个项目至少需要一年才能完成, concluding with an oral examination and a written report of the research results that must be approved by a thesis committee.

Participating in a thesis is quite different from completing coursework, 需要更多的时间和注意力. It also demands significant capability for independent, self-guided research. 重要的是要注意,在大多数情况下, none of the coursework taken by students in the masters program has prepared them for the job of doing this type of research or writing this independent scholarly work.

如果指导老师同意接受一个学生, there is a commitment on both parts to produce the highest quality thesis possible in a timely fashion. Students should carefully select their thesis advisor because a good working rapport will be necessary. 顾问将负责指导这个项目, ensuring the originality and integrity of the student’s research. Switching advisors after a project has begun is not encouraged. A thesis advisor might require demonstration of facility in research and independent work by requesting a probationary Independent Study of 1-3 credits before making any decisions about directing a thesis.

Students are responsible for following the requirements set forth in the thesis guide, 但需要记住的一些重要问题是:

  • The thesis advisor must be a full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member in the student’s department. The thesis committee will consist of the thesis advisor and two other faculty members.
  • The student is required to prepare a thesis proposal/outline. This is a document that provides a clear statement of the research issue, 扩展文献综述, 建议的研究设计/方法, 还有一个有注释的参考书目. In developing this document, it is imperative that students work closely with the thesis sponsor. Although they are not usually asked to review the outline until it is completed, 可以向其他委员会成员寻求协助. Thesis proposals may have to be rewritten and resubmitted before gaining approval of the thesis committee.
  • 根据论文指导老师的建议, the student should keep each member of the committee aware of his or her research progress. These informal reports are intended only as an update and to avoid major revisions at the end of the project.
  • The written thesis should be available to the entire department before the scheduled defense (one copy to the Thesis advisor). A copy of the thesis will be available in the department office.
  • An oral defense of the thesis will be held at least four weeks prior to the date of graduation to demonstrate an understanding of the topic and the ability to discuss related issues and concerns. 它将使用以下格式:
    1. 学生报告(约20分钟)
    2. 观众和/或委员会的一般性问题
    3. 委员会与学生讨论(旁听者恕不出席)
    4. 没有学生参加的委员会讨论.

Unanimous approval by all three committee members is necessary to pass.