

Survey research is a key component of institutional planning and assessment at 十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学. OIRE staff participate in survey design and administration, as well as in the analysis of survey data and report preparation. Included among these surveys are some that have an institution-wide perspective, and others that have department- or program-specific orientations.

Please note that all OIRE staff and work-study students have completed the “Human Participants Protection Education for 研究 Teams” online course sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Copies of all surveys can be found in the OIRE Portfolio of Survey Instruments‌‌‌.


Completion Certificates (PDF)


The Freshmen Survey (CIRP)

Higher Education 研究 Institute (HERI) at UCLA

National Survey of 学生 Engagement (NSSE)

Center for Postsecondary 研究 at Indiana 大学

学生 Satisfaction Inventory (SSI)

For more detailed information or to find out how to access the portal, please 十大博彩推荐排名.


HERI College Senior Survey (HCSS)

Higher Education 研究 Institute (HERI) at UCLA

HERI Faculty Survey (HFS)

Higher Education 研究 Institute (HERI) at UCLA

Faculty Survey of 学生 Engagement (FSSE)

Center for Postsecondary 研究 at Indiana 大学


Institutional Priorities Survey (IPS)


Additional Local 十大博彩推荐排名州立 Surveys

New 校友 Survey (One Year After Graduation)

Entering Transfer 学生s

技术服务 & Support Satisfaction Survey