RedHawk Sports Network Broadcast Team


There are a host of professionals who contribute to your experience of “watching the game.”记者, 生产商, 评论员, camera operators… Whether behind the camera or speaking out in front, many have been trained as sports media journalists.

体育交流: The Big Picture

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in 体育交流 exposes you to diverse careers in the ever-changing, fast-paced industry of sports media while preparing you as a writer, 生产商, and director of dynamic media content. And you’ll do this in state-of-the-art facilities, enabling you to learn on equipment used in the industry 今天. The major delivers hands-on experience in sports media production and storytelling, 来自广播内容, 分析, 实况报道的机会, radio and digital news writing, to public relations and 社交媒体 — done in partnership with Red Hawk athletics and broadcast via our own Red Hawk Sports Network. With deep professional contacts, and as the academic partner of NYC’s annual Sports Public Relations Summit, the program offers internships with major sports media organizations and professional teams.


“Being a student in the program has allowed me to understand sports from a storytelling and media production standpoint. I have been learning from experienced media professionals who have patiently developed my skills as a journalist. 通过我的课程, I have grown in all facets of sports media including print/digital journalism, 社交媒体, 视频新闻.  在我看来, what separates the sports media program at 十大博彩推荐排名州立 compared to other schools is the number of opportunities you have to grow your media portfolio through extracurricular clubs. 在过去的几年里, I’ve produced content for the Red Hawk Sports Network and our student-run newspaper, 的Montclarion. Both organizations have given me real-work experience in an extremely competitive field. Because of my work within the major, I recently earned an editorial internship at Sports Illustrated, an opportunity that I’ve been dreaming about for years. If it weren’t for the help of my fellow students, 教授, and advisors within the Sports Media program, I wouldn’t be in this position.”


通过遵循 体育交流 curriculum, you will become familiar with the inner workings of the television studio, 遥控车, plus key techniques of sports writing and reporting. You will have the opportunity to select elective courses from throughout the School of Communication and Media curricula, including those in Communication and Filmmaking.

Students are required to complete 120 credits to earn the BA degree. The program includes five required areas of study:

  1. 主要的需求 -这些课程包括, 体育媒体与社会, Introduction to Control Room/Studio, Introduction to Field Production/Editing, Cross-Platform Sports Writing and Reporting, 电视体育制作, 电台及互联网, TV Practicum and Multimedia 新闻 Production
  2. Common-Core School Curriculum — a broad foundation for understanding all communication and media disciplines (required of all students in the School of Communication and Media)
  3. 通识教育课程 — exploration of studies that provide a liberal arts education, 包括写作, 人文学科, 数学, 自然科学, 世界通用语言, 计算机科学, physical education and social science (required of all 十大博彩推荐排名州立 students pursuing a BA).
  4. 专业选修课 — The student completes additional courses from throughout the TVDM, Communication 研究 and Film programs, plus options for journalism-related courses from the English Department.
  5. 自由选修课 — Students select courses in areas of interest outside the School of Communication and Media, including the possibility of a minor area of study

For complete course requirements and descriptions, go to:

Careers in Sports Media and Journalism

Opportunities for employment are considerable in the media industry. Below is a sampling of career titles related to the profession:

  • 体育记者
  • 体育生产商
  • 生产经理
  • 视频编辑器
  • 摄影师
  • 作家/编辑
  • 数字内容制作商
  • 多媒体记者
  • 纪录片制作人
  • 摄影记者
  • 社交媒体制作人

Visit the links below for additional professional and career-related information:


Contact Contact Head of Journalism and Digital Media: Kelly Whiteside