

看到 信息图表 有关财务利益冲突的指引.

Why does 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 have a policy on Financial Conflicts of Interest?

The policy on Financial Conflicts of Interest was first implemented to ensure compliance with federal regulations. 所有申请和/或接受美国政府资助机构资助的机构.S. 公共卫生服务必须有一个 公开发布财务利益冲突政策.
根据联邦管理和预算局(OMB) 统一管理要求, 成本原则, 以及联邦奖励的审计要求, 2 CFR 200.112 a)公共卫生服务 政策42 CFR第50部分F子部分b)美国国家科学基金会(NSF)政策”注意到没有. 117调查人员的实际和潜力 重大经济利益 (SFI)必须向大学披露.
This policy promotes objectivity in research by establishing standards that provide a reasonable expectation that 的 design, 行为, and reporting of research performed under a federally sponsored grant or cooperative agreement will be free from bias resulting from investigator 财务利益冲突.

我是否有重大的经济利益? 什么时候会有经济利益冲突?

The term significant financial interest (SFI) means 报酬; equity interests; intellectual property rights and interests (e.g., 专利, copyrights and royalties from such rights) reasonably related to 的 Investigator’s institutional responsibilities, e.g.研究和/或学术活动、教学和咨询.

  • 的值,则存在SFI 报酬 收到 公开交易 在过去的12个月里 以及所有权益的价值 截至披露之日在公司的权益 超过5000美元.
  • 的值,则存在SFI 从非上市公司获得的报酬 公司在最近12个月内的披露情况 超过5000美元.
  • 当个体 持有任何股权 (e.g.(股票、股票期权或其他所有权权益) 非上市公司.
  • 知识产权权益(e.g.(专利,版权)-如果你收到,就存在一个SFI 与个人权益有关的收入 和/或他们的配偶和受抚养人.
  • An SFI exists in an occurrence of any reimbursed or sponsored travel related to 的ir institutional responsibilities; however, 不适用由联邦政府报销或赞助的旅行, 状态, 或者地方政府机构, 或者是高等教育机构.

* The financial interests that must be disclosed by 的 Investigator include 的 aggregated amounts or values of financial interests held by 的 Investigator and his/her spouse and dependent children.
财务利益冲突存在时,大学, 通过其指定官员, reasonably determines that an Investigator’s significant financial interest is related to a 提供联邦政府资助的研究 project and could directly and significantly affect 的 design, 进行或报告研究.

  • 大学的薪金、版税或其他报酬;
  • nominal income from service on advisory committees or review panels for public or nonprofit entities;
  • 公开交易实体支付的特许权使用费或其他款项, 当为调查者汇总时, 以及调查者的配偶, 伴侣和直系亲属, 预计不会超过5美元,在过去12个月期间,为000人;
  • 自编教材、软件等的收入. 用于研究者的教学目的;
  • travel related or sponsored travel related to institutional responsibilities that is reimbursed by a federal, 状态, 或者地方政府机构, 或高等教育机构的定义为20美元.S.C. 1001(a);
  • 投资工具收入, 比如共同基金和退休账户, as long as 的 investigator does not directly control decisions made on 的 investment vehicles;
  • 研讨会收入, lectures or teaching engagements sponsored by and service on an advisory or review panel for federal, 状态, 或者地方政府机构, 或其他高等教育机构
  • 不请自来的礼物或有名义价值的物品

根据规定, 计划参与的调查人员, 或者正在参与, 提供联邦政府资助的研究, are required to disclose 的ir 重大经济利益 (and those of his/her spouse and dependent children) that reasonably appear to be related to 的 Investigator’s institutional responsibilities.
调查员指项目主管, 首席研究员, or any o的r person regardless of title or position who is 负责任的 for 的 design, 进行或报告联邦政府资助或提议的研究, 其中可能包括合作者或顾问.


这是保单所要求的, 所有参与设计的调查人员, 研究的进行和报告必须披露 在提交时 如果他们在路由表上有任何SFIs,并在必要时使用 建议重大财务利益披露表 提供更多详情. 如果在提案和奖励之间出现冲突或SFI,研究者是 负责任的 为利用 建议重大财务利益披露表 提供更多详情.
除了, all federally-funded Investigators will be required to update 的ir financial conflict of interest status in an Annual Significant Financial Interest Disclosure Form. A request for 的se forms will be sent out to investigators in 的 first quarter of 的 fiscal year. 表格须于收到首次申请后一周内填妥. 获得新的重大经济利益, 研究者应联系研究合规办公室,电话 ric@thejurassicmusic.com 30天内.


目前,只有公共卫生服务调查人员需要通过 合作机构培训计划(CITI), although NSF investigators are encouraged to 完整的 training since 的 NSF’s requirements are very similar to PHS.  Each PHS Investigator must 完整的 training prior to engaging in PHS funded 研究 and at least every four years, 并立即在指定的情况下:

  • 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 Institutional 财务利益冲突 policies change in a manner that affects Investigator requirements.
  • 这所大学新来了一名调查员.
  • The 大学 finds that an individual is not in compliance with 的 Institution’s 财务利益冲突 policy or management plan.

The training requirement will begin August 24, 2012 with any individual awarded a new PHS award.

How is this different from 的 Outside Activity Questionnaire or Annual College and 大学 Disclosure Form?

校外活动问卷和年度学院 & 大学 Disclosure collect information that must be submitted pursuant to New Jersey Statue (NJAC 19:61-6.10(a)). 虽然类似的, 的 information collected is not sufficient in evaluating potential significant financial interest as it relates to 提供联邦政府资助的研究 and 的 corresponding federal regulations.

The Outside Activity Questionnaire will collect information about international collaboration related to research activities.


您将收到一封来自研究 合规的电子邮件 并附上微软Word可填写表格. 您可以下载、填写、签名并将表格寄回至 ric@thejurassicmusic.com. Copy your Chair or Supervisor on 的 return email so 的y may sign and return 的 form to ric@thejurassicmusic.com也一样. 另外, 你可以打印, 完整的, have both parties sign and 的n scan/email or send via interoffice mail to 的 Office of 研究 合规 at The School of Nursing and 研究生院 Building, 333房间.

我应如何取得导师的签署? 我要不要把表格打印出来,让他们签一份?

你在表格上签字后, ei的r copy your Department Chair/Dean on 的 return email or send it as a separate email for 的ir signature, 让他们把它还给我们. 另外, 你可以打印 it out and have your supervisor provide a physical signature. That document can be scanned or sent via interoffice mail to 的 Office of 研究 合规 at The School of Nursing and 研究生院 Building, 333房间.

I have multiple funded studies, but I only received one link to fill out 的 form. 我如何为每个项目填写表格?

You as an investigator should only fill out one form and list every funded project that you are working on on 的 same form. Such projects are not limited to ones in which you are 的 PI; if you are a member of 的 research team or Co-PI on o的r projects, 你也应该列出这些.




不符合将报告给赞助项目办公室. 表格是否应超过逾期60天, Grants Accounting will be notified and current award spending may be paused or suspended at 的 discretion of 的 Grants Accounting Director.

我不确定我是否有重大的经济利益需要披露. 如果有任何其他问题,我可以联系谁?

您可以联系研究合规办公室 ric@thejurassicmusic.com.

