
全国交换生 Important Information

What is 全国交换生?

全国交换生 (NSE) is a network of over 180 colleges and universities, 主要是公共, 它允许学生在美国和加拿大的某些机构补充他们的课程和生活经历. Experiencing different settings and living in different geographical regions, students can investigate a potential graduate school, broaden their personal horizons and expand their curricular options. 合作学校遍布美国各地,包括波多黎各、关岛和美国.S. Virgin Islands and in some Canadian provinces. 波多黎各的学校用西班牙语授课,加拿大的某些学校用法语授课, allowing foreign language majors opportunities to enhance their skills.


By participating in a study away program through NSE, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的学生可以探索美国和加拿大的不同地区. 你会

  • Broaden your personal and educational perspectives
  • Experience new cultures without leaving North America
  • Explore new areas of study and courses
  • Experience life in a different region of the United States or in Canada
  • Learn from different professors
  • Meet new people and make new friends
  • Acquire life skills that will enrich you personally and professionally
  • Become more independent and resourceful
  • Explore graduate school options
  • Explore future employment options

美国的NSE项目允许学生在没有护照和没有出国旅行的情况下在“国外”学习. 学生从交换项目中回国,对他们的教育有了新的看法,并且能够更好地确定学术和职业目标. It is also a time of dramatic personal growth and maturity, particularly for students who have not traveled extensively. Students frequently return from exchange with more self-confidence and independence, 更强的决策能力, 能够更好地承担风险, and with a better defined view of their future.


Fall, Following Spring or Full 学年

  • 2月15日

在此截止日期前申请的学生将优先考虑他们的第一名, 第二个, and third choices for the following Fall, 学年, 明年春天.

OIE strongly encourages students to apply before the 2月15日 deadline.

Spring of Current 学年

  • 11月1日

学生可以在11月1日之前提交申请,申请本学年春季学期的安置. Placement options will be limited as only some schools will have spaces left for Spring.

  • 2.5 GPA *
  • Full-time degree-seeking 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 sophomore, junior or senior**
  • Transfer students must have completed at least one semester at 十大博彩推荐排名州立
  • No current action on your disciplinary record
  • No incomplete grades from prior terms
  • 没有未决的法律判决
  • No outstanding financial obligations to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学


**十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的政策规定,必须在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学完成学士学位所需的至少32个学分.  毕业所需的最后24个学分必须在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学完成,不能通过转学获得.  留学申请人如果希望放弃最后24小时的居住要求,在大四时参加出国留学或出国留学,必须在“申请在另一个机构工作”表格上注明这一要求,并要求大学学院的学术顾问签名.


美国所有NSE校区和加拿大大多数大学的教学语言都是英语. The language of instruction at all NSE campuses in Puerto Rico is Spanish. Students must be able to read textbooks, 理解讲座, take part in classroom discussions, 做书面工作, and take examinations in Spanish. 交换到波多黎各校园的学生必须在申请过程中通过与第一语言为西班牙语的教职员工或管理人员的面试证明其在本国机构的西班牙语熟练程度. The language of instruction at some campuses in Canada is French. Students must be able to read textbooks, 理解讲座, take part in classroom discussions, 做书面工作, and take examinations in French. 交换到法语国家大学的学生必须在申请过程中通过与第一语言为法语的教师或管理人员的面试证明其在本国校园的法语水平.


所有学生必须支付不可退还的150美元申请费,以便提交申请供审查. This fee must be paid, regardless of placement.

参加NSE项目的十大博彩推荐排名州立大学学生将向十大博彩推荐排名州立大学支付统一费率的学费和强制性费用,并将向主办机构支付住宿费用, meal plans and any course-related or mandatory fees.


参加NSE项目的学生可以保留所有适用的联邦和州财政援助,除了联邦工作学习. New Jersey State aid cannot be used for an NSE program.

Financial Aid will be credited to your 十大博彩推荐排名州立 student account.

Make sure you check the NSE website for additional scholarship eligibility.


You must be a full-time student at your NSE host institution, 注册12-18个学分,以便参加并保持您的经济援助和学术地位.

学生可以在成功完成他们的学习项目后获得十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的学分. Credit can only be earned if a student receives the equivalent of a C- or higher in their classes. No classes may be taken pass/fail. Once the official transcript has been received from the host institution, the Office of International Academic Initiatives will send it to Registrar. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的成绩单将注明“国家学生交换”,并在评论部分注明班级名称, 获得的成绩和学分.  成绩将出现在成绩单上,但不会计入你的十大博彩推荐排名州立大学GPA.


NSE目录和国际学术倡议办公室的NSE协调员将提供学校信息, 位置, descriptions and any restrictions at the host institution. It is important to note information in the NSE Directory about payment plans. Be certain to select schools that also utilize Home Institution Payment (“Plan B”). Be sure to check which majors are closed to NSE exchange students, whether the school has campus housing and whether it requires you to live on campus, whether they require a meal plan purchase, 还有其他限制吗?. 有些学校比其他学校更具竞争力(比如夏威夷),所以选择几个适合你个人和学术的地方. 十大博彩推荐排名州立 does not choose which students a school accepts; we can only help you choose wisely and advocate on your behalf. 一旦完成申请由国际学术活动办公室批准, students will be nominated to their first, 第二个 and third choice NSE institution.

Advising appointments with the NSE Coordinator are required.

Visa (for Canada programs only)

通过NSE参加加拿大课程的学生可能需要获得签证才能进入加拿大并在那里学习.  It is very important that you understand the visa requirements for your specific program. 因此, 在申请和安排参加留学项目时,建议您采取以下步骤:

  • Check with your NSE host institution to get detailed instructions regarding requirements.
  • If a visa is required, gather all requested documents, materials and information.
  • 向国际学术活动办公室和你的接收机构索取任何必要的信件或文件.
  • Make an appointment for an interview at the Consulate as soon as possible (if required)

不要等待! 一旦你知道你要去哪里,请开始探索签证/居留许可的要求.


学生将在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学注册他们不在的学期的全日制注册占位课程. 占位符课程也将确保你被十大博彩推荐排名州立大学收取学费和杂费.

这门课程将出现在成绩单上,以保持学生离开时的全日制大学注册. Once the host institution transcript is received and processed, the transfer courses will also appear. The placeholder course will also remain on the transcript.