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2023-2024 Lesson Descriptions

Harmful Algal Blooms, Water Quality and Water Science
Water, Water, Everywhere!
All life on Earth is united by its need, however sporadic, for water. 正因为如此,地球上的水循环是决定生命何时何地能够存在的最重要因素之一. But how does water get to these places? 这节课探讨了全球水循环以及水分子是如何在整个水循环中移动和变化的.
From Algae to Zooplankton
Water contains multitudes. 每一滴水中都包含着数以百万计的微生物和整个生态系统,它们太小了,无法用肉眼看到. 很难想象这样微小的生物会对我们所熟悉的世界产生任何影响. Yet, the actions of many, however small, can accumulate to something much greater. 在这节课中,我们潜入微观世界,学习我们水中的生物如何塑造我们周围的世界.
Aquatic Tricks: Macroinvertebrates
There are little creatures that call the bottom of streams, rivers, and lakes home. Little, but mighty, 它们提供了大量的信息,帮助我们了解水的生物状况. In this lesson, 学生将沉浸在大型无脊椎动物在我们的生态系统中扮演的主要角色, how they’re considered biological indicators, and ways in which scientists collect them for data.
Should I dive in?
“Ms. 水“喜欢收集她从地下以河流的形式流过地面时遇到的一切, lakes, reservoirs, and oceans. 我们知道我们从家里的水龙头里流出的水已经被清除了杂质和微生物. 我们用来游泳或钓鱼的湖泊、溪流和河流里的水呢? 本课将让学生探索导致水污染的过程,以及病原体指标等生物指标如何帮助我们确定水质好坏. With this we are able to discover if it’s safe for us to dive in!
How Bad HAB-its Can Lead to Green Waters and Red Tides
Throughout history, 社会已经发现,水体为增长和繁荣的梦想提供了结构和稳定. 然而,反过来,我们给这些水生系统的回报是值得怀疑的. 来自人为基础设施的径流通常含有丰富的污染物和营养物质. The latter can be especially harmful, as it encourages blooms of toxic algae. In this lesson we discuss the impacts, both human and natural, that nutrient enrichment can have on aquatic ecosystems.
You Are What You Eat: Whether You Like It or Not
We all need water and food to survive, but sometimes the content of what we eat and drink doesn’t match the label. 在整个人类世,化学物质和重金属一直在进入环境, and we must not forget about the natural toxins that exist. What happens when these harmful substances are in our waters? 本课解释受污染的水如何通过生物积累和生物放大作用影响水生生物及其对人类的潜在危害.
Pollution, Climate Change, and Energy
Capture the Wind, Harness the Sun
The earth has provided us with many natural sources of energy such as light, wind, water, geothermal heat, and biomass. 能源是人类的基本需求,这就是为什么维持能源对我们的生存如此重要. 在这一课中,我们将介绍各种形式的可再生能源,这些能源可以帮助我们永远满足需求! 它还将涵盖我们使用的不可再生能源的类型以及它们如何消耗我们环境中的资源.
A Shared Planet
Air, noise, 随着城市化和工业化的发展,光污染问题日益受到人们的关注. 工业化过程中形成的颗粒物正在影响空气质量. Human activities are escalating noise pollution in given areas. Artificial lighting is preventing dark nights for animals to thrive in. 本课将定义自然过程如何受到我们的人工制造的影响,以及我们如何单独和合作实施积极的变化,以支持我们社区的环境可持续性.
Trash Talkin’
All organisms produce waste as a byproduct of living. 事物的自然规律允许这些废物以预期的速度在环境中循环利用. In our tenure on the planet, 人类制造废物的数量和速度远远超过了生物圈的承受能力,这使人类与其他物种截然不同. In a double whammy, as we continue to lay claim to more of the planet’s surface, the Earth is fundamentally reduced in its capacity to break down the pollution. In an effort to reduce our waste, this lesson will provide you with some insights on the major sources of trash, where it’s accumulated, how people are controlling waste, and necessary improvements within the life cycle of trash.
Sustainable Fashion
随着网上购物和附近商店的普及,服装消费的速度比以往任何时候都要快. 我们与服装品牌/产品相关的购买模式很容易使个人间接造成比预期更多的环境危害. Learning about the lifecycle of clothing, brand transparency, 研究我们的衣服是由什么制成的对于做出可持续的、合乎道德的购买决定非常重要. We should feel good about the clothes we wear!
New Jersey Ecosystems
Wild New Jersey/ Land Use
With an area of roughly 8.7 thousand square miles and an estimated 9 million residents, 新泽西州自称是美国人口最稠密的州. 尽管城市扩张,但其栖息地的多样性几乎是无与伦比的. Thanks to expansive coastlines, the unique pine barrens, and the touch of the Appalachian Mountains, 人们很快就会发现自己对我们境内各种各样的景观感到敬畏. 从高点到开普梅,我们踏上了探索这些栖息地和野生居民的旅程.
The Passaic River: Industry Incarnate
Following a prehistoric glaciation, the Passaic River was born. 随着工业时代的到来,这条河遭受了人类活动的冲击和后果. 《十大博彩推荐排名》的制定和河流附近社区的巨大努力帮助减轻了一些损害. But the story is not over yet. To know where we’re going, we must first make ourselves aware of how we got here. 本节课,我们将了解帕塞伊克河的历史及其现状.
The World Around Us
We Can be Scientists…Just for One Day!
Working in Science is cool and sometimes challenging. The popular image of a scientist as a white-coated, 无所不知的天才只不过使他们看起来像只关心逻辑和数字的高大上的人物. 事实是科学和批判性思维是日常生活的一部分,不管你是否意识到这一点. This lesson aims to show students what the job of a scientist involves. Moreover, we will explore the fun activities we undertake as Aquatic Ecologists, other than getting muddy and wet!
Urban Jungle!
Urban ecology involves the connection between humans and the environment. 随着景观的不断变化,这对地球的自然循环有何影响? How can nature and cement coexist? What can we learn from the green spaces in our neighborhood? 我们将深入探讨我们对城市环境所做的改变,以及个人可以用来帮助更好地管理城市生态系统的技术.